Financing for Public Higher Education Institutions
Financing, Formula, FAM, UPES, Behavior, ResourcesAbstract
Financing for public institutions of higher education occurs in different areas; with regard to Branch 33, Federal contributions for federal entities and municipalities, contemplates the Multiple Contributions Fund (FAM) which is aimed both at the social benefit, in the form of school breakfasts, and for the maintenance, rehabilitation and construction of educational infrastructure at the basic and higher levels; the above is part of the management of public resources, that is, Public Finance. However, in order to carry out the assignment to the State Public Universities (UPES) it was done discretionally until 2014, when a formula was established for its calculation, taking into account indicators such as quality registration, inertia in budget requests, percentages of progress, among others. Therefore, this paper analyzes the behavior of the allocation of funding to public institutions of higher education through the FAM, in specific to the UPES, between the years 2013, that there was no formula, and the year 2014, already with formula, detecting the similarity of said behavior.
Diario Oficial de la Federación (DOF) (2014) Acuerdo número 18/12/14 por el que se emiten las Reglas de Operación del Programa de Fortalecimiento de la Calidad en Instituciones Educativas para el ejercicio fiscal 2015. Recuperado de: Fecha de consulta: febrero 2017.
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Secretaría de Educación Pública (SEP) (2012) Finanzas Públicas. Presupuesto de Egresos.
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Universidad Veracruzana (2014) Documentos internos. Dirección de Planeación Institucional. Xalapa, México.
Ley de Coordinación Fiscal (2014).
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