Criminal Policy, Everyone's Business


  • Roberto Clemente Ramírez Suárez Universidad de Xalapa



Grief, Prevention, Criminal policy, Crime index, Criminality


The culture of the prevention of grief is a matter that concerns all citizens, as part of society; however, the power to impose sanctions before the commission of crimes is the sole and exclusive responsibility of the State, through its various institutions. Reason why the state agency itself will be responsible for delimiting positive actions in order to prevent, control and repress crime; but this is not a simple task, since in order to achieve this objective, the aspects inherent to the offender and the society itself must be considered, so that, international instruments and criminal politics adopted by other countries are translated into indispensable tools to analyze that topic.


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Author Biography

Roberto Clemente Ramírez Suárez, Universidad de Xalapa

Posdoctor en Derecho, Doctor en Derecho Penal, Maestro en Gobierno y Asuntos Públicos, Licenciado en Derecho.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Suárez, R. C. (2019). Criminal Policy, Everyone’s Business. Universita Ciencia, 8(23), 121–134.


