Controversial Points of the Exclusive Substantive Resolution Trial
TFJA, Federal Court of Administrative JusticeAbstract
The Federal Court of Administrative Justice can hear about the Traditional Trial, the Summary Judgment, the Online Trial and now the Judgment on the Exclusive Resolution of the Merits. The justification of the latter is the immediate attention of the most relevant issues that may result in the annulment of the contested act. Thus, the Judgment on the Exclusive Resolution of the Merits attempts to be an effective means of resolving administrative disputes, including those aimed at orality. However, as any procedural innovation is questionable, therefore, this article tries to establish certain bases that allow for its analysis and propositional criticism, in order to grant the administered, the broadest protection of their rights.
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Ley Federal de Procedimiento Contencioso Administrativo.
Iniciativa con Proyecto de Decreto por el que se reforman y adicionan diversas disposiciones de la Ley Federal de Procedimiento Contencioso Administrativo.
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