Education and Activity of Municipal Police Training Academies and Institutes as a Challenge in the Adversarial Criminal System. Professionalization of the Municipal Police in the Adversarial Criminal System




Penal system, Education, Police


There are many topics that can be addressed regarding the importance that the police have gained in the New Criminal Justice System. There are also many challenges that they face, especially in terms of training, training and professionalization, which, even though they have been repeatedly addressed as joint topics, do not necessarily imply the same idea. To date, the actions of some police corporations have given rise to expressions by political operators in the sense of affirming that the police can be considered – without this implying that it should be so – as “the weakest link in the New System.” of Criminal Justice” in Mexico (Vera in Medrano, 2015); while in the academic field the opinions generated have been oriented towards these same types of comments when stating that in the particular case of municipal police officers, accustomed to "cases of infractions and violations of police commands", it has caused them to be confronted to great challenges and “it costs them a little more work… to understand the New Accusatory Penal System” (Salazar in Pacheco, 2015).


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Hidalgo Murillo, José Daniel (2015) Cadena de Custodia. Una respuesta a la Investigación que debe realizar la Policía Preventiva, Técnica y Científica, INACIPE, PGR, México.

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INSYDE, (2014), “Nivel Educativo de Policías mexicanos”, en, Instituto para la Seguridad y la Democracia, con información del Sistema Nacional de Seguridad Pública, México.

Medrano, María (2015) “Policías, el eslabón más débil del NSJP”, en:, Global Media, México.

SCJN (2014) Versión pública de la Sentencia de Amparo en Revisión 6024/2014, Primera Sala, México.

SESNSP (2015) Lineamientos para verificar y validar los programas de capacitación, instrucción o formación de las Instituciones de Seguridad Pública, Secretariado Ejecutivo del Sistema Nacional de Seguridad Pública, México.

Zabala Antoni y Laia Arnau (2007) 11 Ideas Clave: ¿Cómo aprender y enseñar competencias?, Ed. Graó, Barcelona.



How to Cite

Marcos Escobar, S. E. (2016). Education and Activity of Municipal Police Training Academies and Institutes as a Challenge in the Adversarial Criminal System. Professionalization of the Municipal Police in the Adversarial Criminal System. Universita Ciencia, 5(14), 39–47.