Automation of the Postgraduate Quality Management Process According to the Guidelines of the National Quality Postgraduate Program (PNPC)




PNPC (National Quality Graduate Program)


In this work presents a proposal that aims to help carry out quality control of professionalizing master's degrees, according to the criteria of PNPC, automatically appears. This system meets the criteria, percentages and all information required to have a quality graduate, which isopenly published in the calls of CONACyT. However, this information is difficult to handle because of their large size and frequent updating. For this reason, a system that helps coordinators to automatically manage all the information of expertise and know if it meets the standards / products / required by the PNPC results is presented. To develop this system a decision tree, with which he is informing the user (or coordinator) the percentage of compliance with each criterion was used.


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How to Cite

Yáñez Rivas, A., Hernández Rodríguez, S., Aguilar Rico, A., Flores, O., & Flores Becerra, G. (2016). Automation of the Postgraduate Quality Management Process According to the Guidelines of the National Quality Postgraduate Program (PNPC). Universita Ciencia, 5(13), 12–26.