Record of Official Validity of Studies: A Record that can be Perfected in Favor of Educational Quality




Higher Education, Secretarial Agreements, Normativity, Public & Education Policy


Talking about education is undoubtedly an issue that includes different perspectives, theories and concepts that over time and the evolution of it have changed; the existence of factors directly and indirectly affecting the end of national educational plans is undeniable; Education is not far from these phenomena, educational public policies are overwhelmed by the globalizing process, their interests and generalities.  During this article, a paper is presented that attempts to show the context of higher education in Mexico and Veracruz, emphasizing the context of the Private Institutions of Higher Education (PIHE), Public Educational Policies (PEE) in Mexico and the possible existing relationship of these with the results in improving the quality of the educational service at a higher level; It is observed the need to know the contexts, challenges and perspectives of the educational institutions of the higher level - especially the private ones - in terms of educational quality and the design of educational policies or normativity applicable to them. Ubsequently, to carry out a quick but concise analysis of the Secretarial Agreements 243 and 279, indicating some aspects and making observations to them.


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Author Biographies

César Augusto Hernández Alonso, Consultores Asociados Hernández & Alonso, S.C.

Presidente y fundador de Consultores Asociados Hernández & Alonso, S.C. firma especializada en Asesoría y consultoría multidisciplinaria. Licenciado en Administración de Empresas, Maestro en Alta Dirección y Gestión Administrativa y cuenta con estudios de Doctorado en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales. Docente de educación superior y ex Subdirector de Educación Superior en el estado de Veracruz.

Denisse Uscanga Méndez, Universidad Veracruzana

Cirujano Dentista por la UV, especialista en Ortodoncia por la UNITEC, especialista en Política y gestión educativa por FLACSO, especialista en Competencias docentes del nivel medio superior por UPN, Maestra en Políticas públicas comparadas por FLACSO y estudiante del doctorado en Desarrollo Curricular por COLVER. Docente de educación media superior y de educación superior, ex Directora general de bachillerato y ex Subsecretaria de educación media superior y superior del Gobierno de Veracruz.


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How to Cite

Hernández Alonso, C. A., & Uscanga Méndez, D. (2017). Record of Official Validity of Studies: A Record that can be Perfected in Favor of Educational Quality. Universita Ciencia, 6(15), 20–34.