Criminological Policy in Prison Treatment in Mexico
Criminological Policy, Prison System, Democratic Rule of LawAbstract
From the constitutional reform in criminal matters in 2008, the system guarantees in Mexico, advocating for the respect of the rights of the victims, offended and accused was established. So, is required to analyze the normative design of criminological policy in prison treatment, in order to determine if in fact responds to the postulates of the social reintegration. In this sense, discussed elements that promotes the national law on execution criminal - education, health, sport, work and job training - to guarantee the social reintegration, in particular, to the workplace, cornerstone in the integration of those who have been punished. Finally, verifies if the normative design of criminological policy in Mexico responds to the principles of a democratic State of law or if on the contrary, this translates into symbolic legislation that upsets the fundamental rights of those who should be the recipients of its protection.
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