Reminiscence of the State of the Matter in the Construct of the Legal Research Protocol




State of the question, Research protocol, Object of study


The State of the matter is an essential element in the construction of the legal research protocol since it represents a work of approximation to the object of study that is intended to be unraveled. The ulterior purpose of this article is to briefly explain the importance of the state of the question in the correct realization of the research process. In this sense, it is intended to address the various elements that make up the protocol of legal research as a guide in the consolidation of a scientific study that determines the methodological rigor of the author.


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Author Biographies

Alan Jair García Flores, Universidad de Xalapa

Doctor en Derecho y Maestro en Derecho Penal por la Universidad de Xalapa. Catedrático por oposición de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Veracruzana. Investigador del Instituto Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones de la Universidad de Xalapa. Asesor Jurídico de la Sección 56 del Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación. Candidato a Investigador Nacional del Conacyt.

Axel Jerardo Gomez Aguilar, Universidad Veracruzana

Alumno de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Veracruzana


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How to Cite

García Flores, A. J., & Gomez Aguilar, A. J. (2018). Reminiscence of the State of the Matter in the Construct of the Legal Research Protocol. Universita Ciencia, 7(20), 71–94.