Blended Learning as a learning environment for information and digital literacy in Higher Education




Virtual Environments, Skills, Technological Literacy


The present project is based on educational experiences that consider Blended learning scenarios. The teaching-learning scenario considers being a mixed resource, due to it integrates face-to-face with distance education. The project emphasizes both, the development and appropriation of informational and digital competencies. The result consists into the literacy of associated principles to the application of technology in education. Likewise, it results in the execution of storage, organization and selection processes of digital information that optimize the development of academic products in Higher Education. Current education requires training individuals in informational and digital competencies. This will make evident the handling of multiple textual, hypertextual, multimedia and audiovisual codes on a permanent basis. Thus, the project analyzes the pedagogical principles of Blended Learning in professional postgraduate programs. It is contextualized with the teaching-learning process that integrates strategies to favor the development of informational and digital competences. The conclusions analyze the results of surveys carried out on students and teachers in relation to the needs of techno-pedagogical appropriation to establish conditions for improvement in their professional competences. The experience concludes with a teaching-learning proposal based on Blended-learning based on the needs detected to promote digital literacy.


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Author Biographies

Carlos Arturo Vega Lebrún, Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla

Docente Investigador de la Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla.

Herlinda Godos García, Universidad de Xalapa

Doctorante de la Universidad de Xalapa.


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How to Cite

Vega Lebrún, C. A., & Godos García, H. (2018). Blended Learning as a learning environment for information and digital literacy in Higher Education. Universita Ciencia, 7(20), 17–31.