Is there Any Point in Teaching Legal History?




Law, History, Existence, Time, Humanity


Since the dawn and beginning of humanity, human being has always been interested in the perpetuation of his legacy, for this history becomes a fundamental element, it keeps the past of human being, contemplates his present and projects his future. As law students and graduates we might ask ourselves: Does teaching law history is really useful? Of course; it has been said that every nation that does not know its history is condemned to repeat it, history plays a transcendental role in contemporary juridical life. The right and the law are conjugated with history in a symbiotic relationship, a good example of that conjugation was the unconstitutionality action 02/2010, in which various arguments of the sentence, leads to conclude the legal evolution were used to dictate the importance of the method historical, for the creation of argumentative lines.


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Author Biography

Eber Omar Betanzos Torres, Secretaría de la Función Pública

Es licenciado en Derecho, Licenciado en Ciencias Religiosas, Licenciado en Filosofía, Licenciado en Economía es investigador, es maestro en Políticas Públicas, maestro en Estudios Humanísticos, maestro en teoría crítica, Doctor en Derechos Humanos. Es miembro del sistema nacional de investigadores nivel 1


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Mircea Eliade (1999) Historia de las creencias y las ideas religiosas, España, editorial Kairos.

Noah Harari Yuval, (2014) Sapiens de animales a dioses, España, Penguin Random House.

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Sánchez León Pablo (2016) El fin de los historiadores, México, Siglo XXI.

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How to Cite

Betanzos Torres, E. O. (2019). Is there Any Point in Teaching Legal History?. Universita Ciencia, 8(22), 43–59.