Lack of Guidelines for the Principle of Good Law for its Application




Indirect Amparo, Appearance of Good Law, Amparo Trial, Suspension of the Claimed Act, Judge, Lawsuit, Legal Certainty


With the present investigation it is analyzed that the principle of the appearance of good law turns out to be a negative element for the federal judge in matters of amparo, making the complainant believe that the law is in good standing, and the authorities use a bad right, which causes ambiguity, little legal certainty, and that the process in the amparo trial simulates a partiality, in the same way that legal institutions have resorted to this principle to satisfy a social grudge in the matter of suspension of the claimed act , when the purpose of said principle is an in-depth analysis of the case raised in light of the arguments made by the parties. Likewise, it will be demonstrated that the elements contained in the amparo law to grant provisional or outright suspension are sufficient to guide the judge, because they mark a legal guideline to be followed by the jurisdictional body, and that the principle of the appearance of good Right to lack guidelines for its application causes impartiality and that the judge in the matter of amparo, is subjected to a problem of ideologies, where the right can not be allowed to have.


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Author Biography

Tlexochtli Rocío Rodríguez García, Universidad Veracruzana

Licenciada en Derecho por la Universidad Veracruzana, Maestra en Derecho Constitucional y Juicio de Amparo por la Universidad Cristóbal Colón, Maestra en Docencia Universitaria por la Universidad de Xalapa, Doctora en Derecho Constitucional por la Universidad de Xalapa, Candidato a Doctor por la Universidad de Almería España, docente de la Universidad de Xalapa y Universidad Veracruzana, docente de posgrado en diversas Universidades del Estado de Veracruz.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez García, T. R. (2019). Lack of Guidelines for the Principle of Good Law for its Application. Universita Ciencia, 8(22), 1–13.