Weighting the Stages of the Administrative Process. Case: companies of Orizaba, Veracruz
Administrative Process, Weighting of Stages, ManagementAbstract
The objective of this research is to determine the importance of the stages of the administrative process within an organization, identifying the stage and the most relevant element of the process within the organization, in such a way that the stages of the administrative process can be weighted in relation to their level of importance, thus facilitating the decision making of the administrator of an organization. In order to determine the weighting of the stages, a questionnaire was developed consisting of 23 reagents, which was applied in companies in Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico to 77 entrepreneurs taken from the database of the SIEM (Mexican Business Information System) registry, choosing the companies to be surveyed randomly. The main result shows that 65% of the businessmen consider that all the stages are indispensable to achieve it and according to their criteria, it is not possible to leave aside any of them, however, through this study it was possible to generate a weighting that should be verified in a subsequent study.
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