The New Horses of Troya. The Price of Plastic Money in Mexico
Innovation, Competitiveness, Macro environment, Globalization, Generation Z, Millenials, Generation X, BabyBoomers, Technological actionsAbstract
The role of financialinstitutions, in particular the comercial bankshave a greatimportancefordevelopment and growth of theeconomicagents (families, companies and thegovernment) however, a situation of inequalityisobserved; interestrates and bankingfeespaidbyindividuals and corporations are extremelyhigh in relation to thecost of moneyinothercountries of theworld; thispaperanalyzestheincrease in interestratesduring 2012 to 2018, as well as therelation of thepast-due portfolio ofthecreditcardsegment and thehighfeesthat Banks charge to users of plasticmoney; Italsoraiseshow to addressthis problema fromthevision of publicpolicies and priceregulation to thefinancial sector.
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Kozikowski, Zbugniew. (2013) Finanzas Internacionales. México: Mac Graw Hill.
Stiglitz Joseph E. (2002) El Malestar de la Globalización. Madrid: Taurus.
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