The Breach of Bureaucratic Awards as a Double Illegitimacy of the Rule of Law


  • Anabel Morales Guzmán Universidad de Xalapa
  • Arnaldo Platas Martínez Universidad de Xalapa



Legitimacy, Bureaucratic Law, Final Awards, Constitutional State


The State Law of the Civil Service of Veracruz (article 224, second paragraph) states that bureaucratic awards must be complied within a period of fifteen days. However, reality shows that said term is widely exceeded by the authority. Consequently, it is argued that extemporaneous compliance or noncompliance with bureaucratic awards contradicts the legitimacy of the rule of law. This, since, on the one hand, it violates the right of access to justice of workers in their relationship with the State, as employer, and on the other, the Constitutional State of Law depends to a large extent on the effectiveness of rules and resolutions, which is a task proper to the State, as an articulating body of justice, through its organs. Thus, this situation creates the existence of a double illegitimacy of the State.


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Author Biographies

Anabel Morales Guzmán, Universidad de Xalapa

Licenciada en Derecho y en Lengua inglesa. Maestra en Derecho constitucional y Juicio de amparo. Estudiante de doctorado en Derecho de la Universidad de Xalapa.

Arnaldo Platas Martínez, Universidad de Xalapa

Investigador del Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas de la Universidad Veracruzana. Docente en la Universidad de Xalapa


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How to Cite

Morales Guzmán, A., & Platas Martínez, A. (2022). The Breach of Bureaucratic Awards as a Double Illegitimacy of the Rule of Law. Universita Ciencia, 1–24.