Social and Environmental Equality, as Principles of Justice: Philosophical Reflections




justice, social justice, equality, values system, philosophy, justice in the environment


The present investigation deals with the essence of justice, social justice is studied, which is considered as the fourth kind of justice, justice is related to equality as members of the legal community and the common man is not only the participation of the man of the community, insofar as he participates as a free citizen in decisions related to common affairs, It is pointed out that justice has several systems of knowledge such as philosophical science, history, social, politics, law, economy and is exposed to the justice as a value since it is about equality which is complex in the value system of man, the community or humanity. Likewise, the issue of justice in the environment is addressed, which must be by technological advances but based on a philosophical position that guarantees future life.


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Author Biography

Tlexochtli Rocío Rodríguez García, Universidad Veracruzana

Licenciada en Derecho por la Universidad Veracruzana, maestra en Derecho constitucional y juicio de amparo por la Universidad Cristóbal Colón, maestra en Docencia universitaria y doctora en Derecho constitucional por la Universidad de Xalapa. Candidata a doctora por la Universidad de Almería; docente de la Universidad Veracruzana, de la Universidad de Xalapa y del Centro Mexicano de Estudios de Posgrados en el estado de Veracruz.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez García, T. R. (2022). Social and Environmental Equality, as Principles of Justice: Philosophical Reflections. Universita Ciencia, 10(27), 111–122.