Quarantine Threats to Mexican Citriculture: Citrus Canker, Citrus Black Spot and Citrus Variegated Chlorosis
citrus, quarantine pest, phytosanitary risk, MexicoAbstract
Citric fruits (orange, lemon, grapefruit and mandarin) are considered economically and territorially important; they are cultivated in 28 states of the Mexican Republic. The citric heritage is exposed to pests of quarantine interest absent in Mexico such as canker, variegated chlorosis and black spot of citrus. Determining the spatial association “phytosanitary condition/trade flows” allowed obtaining a regional scenario of the phytosanitary risk in which the Mexican citrus industry is faced with three quarantine threats. By 2020, there was the import of 8,683.62 tons of citrus products and by-products to Mexico, from eleven countries; in addition, there are 71 countries and 51 states or provinces with a present phytosanitary status of these pests. Currently, the National Phytosanitary Protection Agency of Mexico (SENASICA) carries out active phytosanitary epidemiological surveillance activities of quarantine pests, being a preventive process carried out through different operational strategies, granting certainty to the quality and safety of Mexican citrus fruits.
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