Treatment of Domestic Wastewater from an Educational Institution by a Serial Artificial Wetlands System
waste water, chemical oxygen, demand, artificial wetlands, macrophyte, vegetationAbstract
Constructed wetlands have been evaluated in different types of climates and designs, proving to be efficient in treating domestic wastewater. In the Academic Division of Biological Sciences, water from toilets and cafeterias is
treated with a sewage treatment system that has a cistern and two twin treatment trains of artificial wetlands, each train has three wetlands in series that operate with subsurface flow man-made wetland with Pontederia cordata, a free-flow man-made wetland with Thalia geniculata, and a free-flow man-made wetland with Sagittaria lancifolia. The operating expense is 42.29 m3/day, with a retention time of 21.8 hours. The system evaluated in May 2020 showed a COD removal efficiency of 78.65%, turbidity 62.2% and color 61.4%. Sagittaria lancifolia showed better results. All three species are easy to maintain and efficient in removing basic pollutants.
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