Main Internal Control Problems in Pymes in Emiliano Zapata, Tabasco
SME, accounting system, internal control, information system, accountingAbstract
SMEs occupy 99. 8% of all establishments in Mexico, are characterized by lacking a proper organization and usually do not have a formal structure, therefore do not have a good management in their daily operations, this paper aims to analyze and learn about the main accounting problems in SMEs and MSMEs in the market “Gregorio Cabrera Garcia” located in Emiliano Zapata, Tabasco, Mexico, with the voluntary participation of 33 tenants, the approach of the study is quantitative with descriptive scope of cross-sectional type and the internal control of SMEs was measured, choosing the COSO model, finding among the main results that 33. 33% of the surveyed businesses do not have an internal control, 30% are paying a credit and 12.1% register their operations by computer, with 87.9% of the tenants
doing it manually.
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