Social Needs that Professional Accountants Attend to in the International, National and Regional Context


  • Consuelo Reyes Domínguez Universidad de Xalapa



Social Needs, Profesional de la Contaduría


Accounting education must generate a balance between theoretical-practical knowledge and the basic guidelines of accounting, as well as the regulations that govern it; all this with the purpose of preparing the professional capable of serving companies that, being national, are linked internationally, in their commercial activities. Also, in his role as adviser for the optimization of scarce resources; in tax consultancy, to support the taxpayer in complying with his obligations; and of course, preparing the necessary documents to present the financial information required for the decision-making of the different users. These social problems must be resolved in an international, national and regional context, by the accounting professional and this article addresses these issues, considering theoretical foundations and concluding that the accounting professional ceased to be for a long time. long a bookkeeper, to become a true business advisor.


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Author Biography

Consuelo Reyes Domínguez , Universidad de Xalapa

Maestra en Auditoría Financiera, jefa del Área Económico Administrativa de la Universidad de Xalapa y Asesora independiente de empresas.


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How to Cite

Reyes Domínguez , C. (2012). Social Needs that Professional Accountants Attend to in the International, National and Regional Context. Universita Ciencia, 1(1), 70–74.