The Performance Value of Theater at the Elementary Level
Theater, To Perform, Education, Teaching, Comprehensive TrainingAbstract
This article intends to reflect on the importance of teaching theater in public elementary school as a tool that allows students to promote oral and physical expression, voice emission, stage projection, creative and aesthetic thinking, favor the development of their emotional and intellectual capacities. All these characteristic features of an integral formation through the body-space-time, movement-sound and form-color that are basic elements of the arts. As part of the teaching-learning process in basic education where many times the various situations are perceived through observation where the student in primary level training shows difficult when participating in class, to live with their classmates, sometimes showing shyness as well as being introverts and more at 11 years of age which leads to difficult in expressing themselves both orally and writing, impacting their academic achievement. However, applied theater manages to favor the integral development of the students and their skills and strengthen them as a part of their academic training.
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