Lifelong Learning, Transforming Education




Relational Education, Re-Educate the Educator, Teaching Mediation Meaningful Learning Transformation


For years we have observed in our country as efforts are made to get Mexico 's educational backwardness . Many plans and programs undertaken by governments and educational institutions with money, time or effort trying to bring out a system that is in the basement.And every year new strategies ranging from equipping schools with computers connected to the Internet , making knowledge tests , teachers or upgrade to improve infrastructure are implemented , but at the end of the day the numbers do not change and efforts are not reflected in the classroom , as students do not seem to learn and teachers do not seem to teach. The educational future could be at risk of not starting today a fundamental transformation . Education - definitely - is a path to a better present and thus a better future. If we aspire to live more harmoniously , full , healthy and steady development we rethink goals and visions , expanding our conception of education and making us each and managers responsible for our own learning.


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Author Biographies

Georgina Sotelo Ríos, Universidad de Xalapa

Licenciada en Ciencias y Técnicas de la Comunicación por la Universidad de Xalapa. Maestra en Estética y Arte con grado Cum Laude. Actualmente cursa el doctorado en Educación Relacional y Bioaprendizaje. Cuenta con la especialidad en Marketing Político.

Martha Patricia Domínguez Chenge

Licenciada en Ciencias y Técnicas de la Comunicación; Licenciada en Sociología; maestra en Literatura mexicana; maestra en Comunicación y Tecnología Educativa; doctora en Tecnología Educativa, por la Universidad de las Islas Baleares, España. Se ha desempeñado como reportera, jefa de prensa del IVEC; directora de medio gubernamental; editora; coordinadora de suplemento periodístico; técnico en Comunicación Educativa. Docente, jefa de la carrera de publicidad y relaciones públicas y Actualmente es directora de la Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Sociales, en la UV


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Gutiérrez Pérez, F. y Prieto Castillo, D. (1994). Mediación Pedagógica para la Educación Popular. Costa Rica: RNTC.

Gutiérrez Pérez, Francisco (2001) Educación y formación de personas adultas. Guatemala: Cuadernos Pedagógicos N° 9, MINEDUC.

Krishnamurti, J. (1974). Educando al educador. México: Editorial Orión.

Morin, Edgar (2006) Educar en la era planetaria. Gedisa; Barcelona.



How to Cite

Sotelo Ríos, G., & Domínguez Chenge, M. P. (2014). Lifelong Learning, Transforming Education. Universita Ciencia, 3(6), 87–98.