Nietzsche's Stateless Perspectivism in Human All Too Human (1878) (Menschliehes, Allzumenschliches. In Buch Für Freie Geister).


  • Antonio García Ortiz Universidad Veracruzana



Philosophy, Philology, Human


The philosophical analysis of human, all too human, as unpatriotic and perspectival work of the thought of Friedrich Nietzsche, reveals to us not only the importance and relevance of his thinking outside the strictly German, but also a sudden and unexpected journey through the characters describing contemporary times from the departure of the great ideals of modernity. The purpose of this article is therefore to show the broad field of study offered by the Nietzschean thought for sources of individual sciences.


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Author Biography

Antonio García Ortiz, Universidad Veracruzana

Licenciado en pedagogía. Maestro en tecnología educativa. Docente de la facultad de pedagogía de la U.V. Cursando estudios de maestría en filosofía desarrollando la tesis: Genealogía del sistema educativo occidental.


Andreas Salome, Lou. Nietzsche. Madrid, España, Editoral Zero Zyx, Trad. Luis Pasamar, 1986.

Nietzsche, Friedrich, Así habló Zaratustra, Madrid, Alianza Editorial, Trad. Andrés Sánchez Pascual, 2014.

Nietzsche, Friedrich, Ecce homo, Madrid, Alianza Editorial, Trad. Andrés Sánchez Pascual, 2014.

Nietzsche, Friedrich, Genealogía de la moral, Madrid, Alianza Editorial, Trad. Andrés Sánchez Pascual, 2014.

Nietzsche, Friedrich. Humano, demasiado humano, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Biblioteca Edaf, Trad. Carlos Vergara, 2013.

Nietzsche, Friedrich. Humano, demasiado humano. Vol. I, Madrid-España, Ediciones Akal, Trad. Alfredo Brotons, 2014.



How to Cite

García Ortiz, A. (2016). Nietzsche’s Stateless Perspectivism in Human All Too Human (1878) (Menschliehes, Allzumenschliches. In Buch Für Freie Geister). Universita Ciencia, 5(12), 103–113.