Family environment, quality of life, and mental health in adults from Xalapa
Cohesion, Adaptability, FACES III, Depression, AnxietyAbstract
This study aimed to analyze the relationships between quality of life, family cohesion, family adaptability, depressive and anxious symptoms in a non-clinical sample of 250 adult residents of the city of Xalapa, aged 18 to 75 years (M = 39.18 ± 10.32), who completed self-report measures. Results indicated that higher family cohesion was associated with better overall quality of life, improvements in certain dimensions of quality of life, and fewer depressive symptoms. Additionally, family adaptability was related to overall and environmental quality of life, with findings showing that groups with extreme scores in adaptability were more similar to each other than to those with intermediate scores. The discussion addresses the protective role of family support for mental health.Metrics
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