Regulatory framework for environmental education in México: critical review of its scope and limitations for sustainable development
Environmental education, sustainable development, educational legislation, MexicoAbstract
This work analyzes the legal framework of environmental education in Mexico. The research question is: To what extent is the regulatory framework of environmental education in Mexico adequate and sufficient to promote this type of training processes in the country? The objective is to carry out a critical review of the legal framework that regulates environmental education in Mexico, evaluating its scope and limitations. For this purpose, regulatory analysis and a comparative approach are used with legislation from other Latin American countries; international treaties on the subject are reviewed, as well as the Mexican Constitution, the General Law of Education and the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection.
The results point to concluding that although Mexico participates in international agreements on environmental education, these are not legally binding, which weakens their application; Furthermore, the Mexican regulatory framework has gaps in its formulation by not considering aspects such as the implementation, evaluation and monitoring of educational programs. Compared to other Latin American countries, Mexico lags in creating a robust regulatory system for environmental education, which limits its effectiveness in promoting sustainable development.
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