Urban Planning as A Strategy to Reduce the Impact of Contamination of the Naolinco River Micro-Basin on the Quality of Life of the Inhabitants of Naolinco, Veracruz
pollution, micro-basin, sustainable development, environmental regulations urban planning., pollution, micro-basin, Sustainable Development, EnEnvironmental regulations, urban planningAbstract
The pollution of the Naolinco River has a direct impact on the quality of life of its inhabitants, so it is important to address this problem from the perspective of urban planning, which, through the Logical Framework Methodology, allows generating a strategic planning that minimize the problems identified in the diagnosis process, proposing alternatives that make municipal public policy more efficient and influence the impact of pollution on the well-being of the population of this municipality and its surroundings, from a global and deductive perspective. The main problems identified and addressed in this research were: the lack of urban planning to avoid the complications derived from uncontrolled urbanization and the scarcity of economic-productive alternatives that are developed in a sustainable manner. Finally, strategies aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the 2030 Agenda are presented to reduce pollution of the Naolinco River.
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