Impact of Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) on Scientific Research: A Bibliometric Study




Knowledge Management Systems, Value Creation, Multidisciplinary Collaboration


Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) are crucial in organizations, blending human, organizational, and technological elements to create value through knowledge exchange. This research aims to enrich understanding of the current landscape of KMS through bibliometric exploration. The goal is to provide researchers and professionals with an updated summary placing them within the field and its current state, as well as suggesting possible future research directions. This study reveals a steady growth in KMS research, highlighting multidisciplinary collaboration and global influence. Emerging themes include elements such as human talent and sustainability, and denote research needs in computer security and learning


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Author Biography

Rafael Camacho, Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica

Es un profesional con una amplia experiencia en el campo de la analítica y la investigación comercial. Actualmente es estudiante de la maestría en Investigación Empresarial del Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica.


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How to Cite

Camacho, R. (2024). Impact of Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) on Scientific Research: A Bibliometric Study. Universita Ciencia, 12(34), 102–116.