Bibliometric study: sustainability, marketing and its context in the world 1999-2024
marketing, sustainability, market trend, VOSviewerAbstract
Sustainability is fundamental to conserving natural resources. Marketing plays an essential role in the responsible consumption of goods and services. This research aimed to learn about publications on “sustainability and marketing” through a bibliometric analysis. The methodology used was the Dimensions database and the VOSviewer software to perform the bibliometric mapping using keywords related to the research topic. The results indicate that China is the country with the highest scientific production. The most cited Article was “Making Sense of the ‘Clean Label’ Trends: A Review of Consumer Food Choice Behavior and Discussion of Industry Implications” by Asioli et al. (2017) with 641 citations. The most prominent title was “pandemic,” with 96 occurrences. It is concluded that research on sustainability and marketing in recent years has focused on responsible consumption, health, circular economy, and green innovation.
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