Gender violence in the Mexican legal-political language based on the neurolinguistic model
passive-aggresive language, active-aggresive language, neurolinguistic programming, Victim, legal argumentationAbstract
The object of this work is to establish the relationship between neurolinguistics, argumentation and violence, through the construction of sociolegal realities of people. The research carried out developed an analysis at a prelegal and legal level, in which the use of neurolinguistics from the legal-social field is emphasized to visualize the languages of violence in terms of gender, based on argumentative proposition in negative approaches of empaty, absence of emotional regulation and selfdeprecation, for which active aggressive and passive aggressive languages are studied. Through the case study of some advertising spots and messages on the social networks of Mariana Rodriguez Cantú and her husband Samuel Alejandro García Sepulveda as a public figures, it is posible to determine the use of active aggresive and pasive aggresive language, as a result of generational forms of gender violence.
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