The relevance of environmental accounting in the activities of organizations


  • María Susana Sarur Zanatta UNIVERSIDAD DE XALAPA



Environment, Environmental accounting, Organization, Accounting regulations


Since the end of the last century, the issue of caring for the environment has been recurrent and relevant at an international level, both in social aspects, that is, the behavior of society, and financial aspects regarding the investment necessary to achieve it, where it involves environmental accounting; this is why this document reviews, under a documentary and descriptive methodology, both, the theoretical aspect and the procedures carried out in organizations in their different functions, with the purpose of having control of the financial resources used and linked to environmental accounting; as well as, the different approaches of some authors and their relationship with accounting regulations. All of the above, in order to determine the importance of environmental accounting and how it can generate great benefits to companies.


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How to Cite

Sarur Zanatta, M. S. (2024). The relevance of environmental accounting in the activities of organizations. Universita Ciencia, 12(33), 80–89.