The purpose of this essay was to argue in relation to the emergence of discourses on learning powered by the standardized evaluations implemented in the national and international spheres, for this purpose, a documentary research with moderate scientific rigor was carried out, where primary and secondary sources were used and analyzed with respect to learning in scientific and political-normative discourses, Thus, it was found that learning is at the center of the main normative-political discourses, both internationally and nationally, in addition, its evaluation has served to justify the design and implementation of educational policy in Mexico, although they are apparently diluted at the moment of assuming them as actions of the State. Key words: learning, state action, assessment and learning lag.
learning, educational policy, evaluation, politicsAbstract
The objective of this essay was to argue in relation to the influence of the discourses on learning and evaluation in Mexican educational policy, for this purpose, a documentary research with moderate scientific rigor was carried out, where primary and secondary sources were used and analyzed with respect to learning in scientific and political-normative discourses, Thus, it was found that learning is at the center of the main normative-political discourses, both internationally and nationally, in addition, its evaluation has served to justify the design and implementation of educational policy in Mexico, although they are apparently diluted at the moment of assuming them as State actions.
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