Domestic violence by male partners against women in a peripheral neighborhood of Xalapa, Veracruz, México.
patriarchy, women, violence, dominance, genderAbstract
Domestic violence against women by a male partner involves psychological, economic, physical, and sexual aggression. The objective was to identify the predominant forms of gender violence in couples in a peripheral neighborhood in Xalapa, Veracruz. A questionnaire was applied to 36 women selected through "Snowball”. The most frequent forms of economic violence are complaints about the way household money is spent and failure to cover family expenses. The most common psychological violence is the claim of not doing household chores, destruction of personal belongings and threats of abandonment or physical harm. Blows to the body are the most recorded form of physical violence. The most frequently mentioned sexual violence is forcing them to have sex. It is concluded that economic and psychological violence are the most recurrent, while the incidence of physical and sexual violence is lower.
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