The The Role of local justice in safeguarding Human Rights within Veracruz
Constitutional Control, local justice, international standards, full compensation, human rightsAbstract
Constitutional Hall's Judiciary of Veracruz has the function of protecting Human Rights. Veracruz was a pioneer at the national level in incorporating judicial protection of Human Rights into its Constitution. The local legislature has issued a law on Human Rights Protection, which allows for the establishment of lower courts in various districts to conduct the proceedings of the trial, while leaving the Constitutional Hall responsible for issuing the sentences. Veracruz's influence in the creation of mechanisms for Constitutional Control in other states is noteworthy. The sentences from the Constitutional Hall will be compared to international standards, highlighting the existence of full compensation, which may include monetary aspects, based on international conventions and jurisprudence. A proposal to enhance the protection of Human Rights in Veracruz is also presented
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