The Strategies that Promote the Learning of a Foreign Language, from the Work in a Tele-Secondary School


  • Estefanny Marien Preza López Universidad de Xalapa



Learning, Foreign language, Students


The purpose of this article is to analyze the strategies that facilitate the learning of a foreign language from work in a Secondary School, in the Telesecundaria subsystem. In this way, highlight those that the authors have named and verified. The conception that learning strategies have had over time has undoubtedly undergone changes, especially when speaking of a foreign language. To teach pressing involves teaching the student to strategically use their cognitive abilities and study processes, adapting at the right time and problem. Research on second language strategies dates back to the 1970s as a result of advances in psychology, and it is of great interest to identify what foreign language learners report they did to achieve meaningful learning.


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Author Biography

Estefanny Marien Preza López, Universidad de Xalapa

Licenciada en Educación Secundaria con Especialidad Telesecundaria, BENV “Enrique C. Rébsamen” estudiante del último ciclo de la maestría en Docencia y Evaluación Educativa, Universidad de Xalapa. Docente frente a grupo. Telesecundaria “Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla”, Jalacingo, Veracruz


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How to Cite

Preza López, E. M. (2016). The Strategies that Promote the Learning of a Foreign Language, from the Work in a Tele-Secondary School. Universita Ciencia, 5, 220–229.