The current educational reform in Mexico (2013): an analysis in the evaluation of the teaching performance of the COBAEV 11 teachers of Paso De Ovejas, Ver.


  • Sofía Guadalupe Gallardo Castán Universidad de Xalapa



Teachers, Educational reform


The present work describes the current situation regarding the application of the educational reform of 2013, in the field of research teacher evaluation and the assessment of the performance of the teachers of the College of Bachelors of the State of Veracruz No. 11 of the municipality of Passed of sheep. This estimation intends to project the teaching practice of the teachers of the campus, taking into account aspects such as mastery of the subject, reasoned planning, knowledge of the regulations and portfolio of evidence, to make a judgment about whether or not the teacher is suitable to teach classes. Throughout the text, the recent discrepancies between what is dictated in the reform and the teachers' considerations will be outlined, since the purpose of this study is to expose the validity or fallacy of the assessment or estimation of the teaching performance of the present subjects of the study investigation. This disparity between the evaluation process and what is evaluated is due to multiple factors that indicate a standardization for the particularity of the contexts of each teacher, that is, the same way of evaluating is handled when there are particular cases where the training is not possessed in proportion. , resources, infrastructure and training


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Author Biography

Sofía Guadalupe Gallardo Castán, Universidad de Xalapa

Licenciada en Filosofía por la Universidad Veracruzana. Licenciada en Filosofía por el Instituto de Estudios Superiores San Rafael Guízar y Valencia. Actualmente estudiante del último ciclo de la Maestría en Docencia y Evaluación Educativa de la Universidad de Xalapa.


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How to Cite

Gallardo Castán, S. G. (2016). The current educational reform in Mexico (2013): an analysis in the evaluation of the teaching performance of the COBAEV 11 teachers of Paso De Ovejas, Ver. Universita Ciencia, 5, 120–134.