Contributions of the Evaluation to Collaborative Work in the Violeta Sordo Lagunes Kindergarten in Xalapa Veracruz 2016
Teachers, Evaluation, Collaborative WorkAbstract
The present work consists of a descriptive investigation on the contributions that the evaluation has to the collaborative work that occurs among teachers, from which a study was carried out on the most important aspects that involve said collaborative work at the preschool level of a kindergarten located in the town of Xalapa Veracruz. In this way, the research addresses a reference framework in which aspects such as the context, the environment in which the institution develops, as well as a theoretical framework in which the concepts that encompass what collaborative work is are defined. , evaluation, the constructivist paradigm, as well as various concepts based on theoretical grounds. The research methodology is quantitative, in the sense that it allows analyzing the data numerically, thus achieving an objective, truthful and verifiable investigation, with a population of 12 teachers, since it is a small institution, the total number of the teachers who currently work in the educational establishment. At the time of carrying out the information gathering, it was carried out based on a pilot test in order to evaluate the suitability of the applied instruments. The results of the analysis will allow to verify if the evaluation of the teaching staff allows to increase the collaborative work between the academic staff of the institution to be able to rethink actions.
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