Learning in the Subject of Spanish in First Grade Students of the "Ignacio Allende" Telesecondary School in the Community of Manzanillo, Mpio. from Las Vigas De Ramírez, Ver.


  • Eder Antonio Ronzón Hernández




Students, Telesecundaria, Inequality, Motivation


This article is displayed in a research work for the preparation of a thesis, where the importance of motivation is analyzed to improve learning in the subject of Spanish of first grade students of a telesecundaria in the state of Veracruz, as well as The research problem itself arises, which is generated from educational inequalities, in the economic, technological, infrastructure, and family sense that impacts the motivation and learning of the students of said school. Subsequently, the justification for which it was decided to address this topic, the general objective and the methodology on which the research was based are outlined. In the section where I base myself theoretically, you will find the main concepts of motivation and learning under a constructivist theory, as well as the humanist theory of Abraham Maslow, and the learning theory with Vygotsky, learning is an active process in which it is experienced, they make mistakes, solutions are sought; the information is important, but it is more the way it is presented and the role that the student's experience with the teacher plays. In this process, the role of the teacher is essential to promote learning that is significant for the student, while promoting their own motivation to teach, as well as the student's to learn. The article also integrated the contextual framework where relevant information is specified in the current educational system of the country.


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Author Biography

Eder Antonio Ronzón Hernández

Profesor de Telesecundaria, actualmente cursa la Maestría en Docencia y Evaluación Educativa en la Universidad de Xalapa


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Página electrónica de la Secretaría de Educación Pública: http://www.sep.gob.mx/




How to Cite

Ronzón Hernández, E. A. (2016). Learning in the Subject of Spanish in First Grade Students of the "Ignacio Allende" Telesecondary School in the Community of Manzanillo, Mpio. from Las Vigas De Ramírez, Ver. Universita Ciencia, 5, 50–67. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7182746