The INEE Evaluation Process and its Impact on the Didactic Work of the Teacher in the Classroom


  • Brianda Mayeli Hernández Mendoza Universidad de Xalapa



Educational reform, INEE, Teacher


The present research work is approached in a theoretical and descriptive way; A current educational issue of great importance, the Educational Reform emanates the Law of the Professional Teaching Service, which urges teachers to prepare and be constantly updated, involved in all changes in the globalized world. That is why the importance of knowing the evaluation process of the National Institute for the Evaluation of Education (INEE) and its impact on the didactic work of the teacher in the classroom is rescued. It is a descriptive study, completed with the results obtained from the application of an instrument (questionnaire), with a Liker-type scale, made up of four subcategories of the present investigation: INEE, teaching, didactics and Evaluation, the type of Sampling was census applied to the 18 teachers, of the telesecundaria school number 157. Strengths were identified in terms of the didactic work of the teacher in the classroom and weaknesses in the knowledge of the INEE evaluation process, in the lack of organization generated by the organisms and how the information flows from it. As part of the methodological approach, the main concepts related to the subject, background, didactic programming such as general, specific objective, theoretical, contextual, conceptual framework that finally allowed the structuring of the research content were defined theoretically.


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How to Cite

Hernández Mendoza, B. M. (2016). The INEE Evaluation Process and its Impact on the Didactic Work of the Teacher in the Classroom. Universita Ciencia, 5, 24–36.