The Explanation of the Right in the Light of Some Philosophical Currents Framed in Time


  • Lucino Cordero Estudillo Universidad de Xalapa



Law, Philosophical Currents, Iusnaturalism, Iuspositivism, Functionalism, Neopositivism


The present article aims to give an explanation of the law in light of the major philosophical currents of the law, basically iusnaturalism, legal positivism, neopositivism and functionalism; as well as synthesize the main tenets of each stream; then be given a vision of how has been the development of the right along with these philosophical currents through the time.


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Author Biography

Lucino Cordero Estudillo, Universidad de Xalapa

 Doctor en derecho público en la Universidad Veracruzana. Estancia doctoral en Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Docente en Universidad de Xalapa.


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How to Cite

Cordero Estudillo, L. (2013). The Explanation of the Right in the Light of Some Philosophical Currents Framed in Time. Universita Ciencia, 2(5), 39–48.