Fundamental Rights in the Tenth Period of the Jurisprudence of the SCJN


  • Ma. Del Rosario Huerta Lara Universidad Veracruzana



Jurisprudence, Weekly journal of the Judicial Federation, Human Rights, International Law of the Human Rights, Right for Health


This work poses a reflection about the production of jurisprudence from the 10th term of the Supreme Court of the Nation, which sprung from the new lectures and interpretations that the highest court has been innovating in the light of the constitutional reforms on human rights and habeas corpus from 2011 up to date. This exposition attempts a brief sketch of the beginning of a new stage in the production of jurisprudence in the field of social rights, particularly the right for health, the new air blowing the Tenth Term of the Supreme Court of the Nation, as an outcome of the sentences dictated and those which will pile up starting on October 4th 2011. This new epoch, imposes new lectures and interpretations that due to the strength of the constitutional reforms on human rights and habeas corpus will innovate the jurisprudential criterion in the years to come, as it is expected from this new epoch of the Weekly journal of the Judicial Federation.


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Author Biography

Ma. Del Rosario Huerta Lara, Universidad Veracruzana

 Investigadora del Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas, Universidad Veracruzana.


Abramovich, V, (2007) El Acceso a la justicia como garantía de los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales: estudio de los estándares fijados por el sistema interamericano de derechos humanos. Inter American Commission on Human Rights, recuperado en:

Acuerdo general número 9/2011, de veintinueve de agosto de dos mil once, del pleno de la suprema corte de justicia de la nación, por el que se determina el inicio de la décima época del semanario judicial de la federación. Consultado en:

Betegón, Jerónimo, (1997) Lecciones de teoría del derecho. Madrid; Mc Graw Hill.

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How to Cite

Huerta Lara, M. D. R. (2013). Fundamental Rights in the Tenth Period of the Jurisprudence of the SCJN. Universita Ciencia, 2(5), 23–38.