Analysis of Fiscal Policy in Mexico (2010-2014). The Trend Towards Indirect Taxes


  • Marita Andrea Sánchez Vázquez Universidad Veracruzana



Fiscal Policy, Indirect Taxes, Legislative Reforms, Value Added Tax


Both in national and international fiscal policy, there is a tendency for imposing indirect taxes instead of direct taxes. This by virtue of the advantages that the imposition of such taxes can represent on the contribution of the public spending of a country. In the case of Mexico, eliminating exemptions and preferential treatment, as well as the approval of the tax rate by the reforms made to the Law on Value Added Tax in 2013, was a result of the implemented fiscal policy, aimed in promoting the income capacity of the federal government.


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Author Biography

Marita Andrea Sánchez Vázquez, Universidad Veracruzana

Licenciada en Derecho egresada de la Universidad Anáhuac con mención honorífica. Estudiante de la maestría en Derecho Fiscal en la Universidad de Xalapa.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Vázquez, M. A. (2015). Analysis of Fiscal Policy in Mexico (2010-2014). The Trend Towards Indirect Taxes. Universita Ciencia, 4(10), 62–68.