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We use the OAI-PMH protocol that allows the transfer of digital resources, mainly of a scientific nature and free access, each article is described with Dublin Core metatags.
Universita Ciencia is an electronic journal of Universidad de Xalapa, and is a quarterly publication edited by la Universidad de Xalapa A. C., Carr. Xalapa-Veracruz Km 2, Col. Ánimas, C.P. 91190, Xalapa, Veracruz, México. Tel. (+52) 228841-7285,,
Responsable editor: Carlos García Méndez. Reservation of Rights to Exclusive use No. 04-2011-12131515800-203, awarded by Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor. ISSN: 2007-3917. Coordinación de Comunicación e Imagen Institucional, Mtra. Leticia Anieva Ladrón de Guevara. Xalapa-Veracruz Km 2, Col. Ánimas, C.P. 91190, Xalapa, Veracruz, México.
The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the position of the editor of the publication.